Zapraszamy pracowników Politechniki Opolskiej do zapoznania się z ofertą warsztatów "Participative Leadership and Innovation Management in the Public Sector":

I would hereby like to invite you and your colleagues to our Capacity Building Workshop "Participative Leadership and Innovation Management in the Public Sector" to be held on 22-23 November 2018 in Berlin.

In order to drive sustainable change or innovation in a team, department, or with external stakeholders, participative tools and co-creation are key. Benefits from hands-on training and interactive sessions on :

  • “Art of Hosting” – Principles and methods (World Café, Pro Action Café, Open Space, Storytelling etc.)
  • Introduction into Communities of Practice (CoP)
  • Dialogue-based change and innovation processes in a multi stakeholder environment
  • Process design from beginning to end for sustainable change

Events details :

PDF Brochure : Participative Leadership and Innovation Management in the Public Sector"


Organizator wydarzenia:

European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law
The European Knowledge Network

Media społecznościowe Politechniki Opolskiej