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Dział Współpracy Międzynarodowej

Nasza uczelnia partnerska ALYTAUS KOLEGIJA University of Applied Sciences na Litwie zaprasza studentów do udziału w swoich dwóch Mieszanych Intensywnych programach pod hasłem: Sustainable Entrepreneurship Laboratory oraz Green tourism: Heritage, Natural Sources and Innovations.

Oprócz pobytu na uczelni partnerskiej (27-31 marca) uczestnicy są zoobowiązani do realizacji mobilności wirtualnej czyli spotkań online z profesorami z instytucji organizujących w dniach od 6-17 marca.
Aby wziąć udział należy zgłosić swoją chęć w Dziale Współpracy Międzynarodowej do 13.02.2023 i przejść pomyślnie rozmowę kwalifikacyjną w języku angielskim. 

 Zachęcamy do zapoznania się ze szczegółowymi opisami poszczególnych programów.

Blended Intensive Programme ID: BIP4


Sustainable Entrepreneurship Laboratory

Objectives and description

Objectives: to learn to create sustainable and innovative business using environmental analysis and creativity.

Description: Properly delivering elements of sustainability provides better opportunities to develop new products or services, helps attract talent and investment. This makes a significant contribution to a company’s image and how it’s perceived by consumers and customers. Businesses need to create a sustainable model if they are to remain competitive in a society that is increasingly responsive to society’s expectations and needs. By developing a new business idea, its value can be doubled, contributing to the creation and development of a sustainable world.

Contact activities: team building activities; presentation of country in sustainable business context; search, development and presentation of business ideas; cultural programme.

Start Date


End Date


Virtual Component Description

The concept of sustainable entrepreneurship; analysis of business environment; innovations in business; creativity in sustainable business.

Physical Activity Duration (days)

5 days, 27-31 March

Main Teaching/Training Language


Virtual Component Duration

12 days, 6-17 March

City of Venue


Country of Venue




Blended Intensive Programme ID: BIP5



Green tourism: Heritage, Natural Sources and Innovations

Objectives and description

Objectives: to understand ethical values that foster the well-being of the local people and their traditions, caring for the region’s nature and culture and preserving local resources.

Description: green tourism that exploits natural resources, heritage of local environment and join with the innovations – will save the planet for future generations. Today travel consumption habits are changing, and people are increasingly aware of the mark they leave on the environment. Green and regenerative tourism becomes more popular every day with the end goal of preserving and conserving the environment. With the green tourism activities protecting nature means protecting our home, our resources, and future generations’ quality of life.

Contact activities: team building activities; presentation of the country in green tourism context; search, development and presentation of business ideas; cultural programme.

Start Date


End Date


Virtual Component Description

Green tourism: diversity and coherence of concepts; green tourism – from resource identification to service; innovations in green tourism; creativity in green tourism business.

Physical Activity Duration (days)

5 days 27-31 March

Main Teaching/Training Language


Virtual Component Duration

12 days, 6-17 March

City of Venue


Country of Venue


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