Application to Dean (Individual Study Programme)
Periodic Achievements Form Erasmus+ Studentss
The student mobility under the Erasmus+ Programme can be realized at the foreign University holding an „European Charter for Higher Education” with which Opole University of Technology has concluded the interinstitutional agreement. The host institution have to be located in a country participating in the Erasmus+ Programme (EU Member States, Turkey, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, Republic of North Macedonia).
Students of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd cycle studies and single-stage studies (also part-time students) who have completed at least the first year of the 1st cycle studies may participate in study mobility under the programme.
Upon the start of the student mobility, the student may not be on leave nor be subject to disciplinary proceedings.
A student holding a citizenship other than a Member State of the European Union or the European Economic Area is required to read the regulations on entering the territory of the host country in connection with the planned stay as an Erasmus + scholarship holder.
The student is asked to provide the obtained information by e-mail to:
The student has the possibility of multiple participation in the programme, taking into account that the maximum length of stay on the scholarship amounts to a total of 12 months for each cycle of education (max. 12 months during the 1st cycle, max. 12 months during the 2nd cycle and the max. 12 months during the 3rd cycle). Students of single-cycle studies, such as Physiotherapy can be mobile up to 24 months. The duration of stay includes previous participation in the LLP-Erasmus and Erasmus + programmes.
The minimum period of stay at the host university is 2 months.
The destination countries covered by the Erasmus+ programme have been divided into 3 groups depending depending on the cost of living. The following grant rates were assigned:
Group I: Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden and countries of the region 14 - 670 EUR per month
Group II: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Spain, Malta, Netherlands, Germany, Portugal, Italy and countries of the region 13 - 670 EUR per month
Group III: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Hungary - 600 EUR per month
The recruitment process starts in March of the academic year preceding the year in which the student mobility will take place. The term applies to candidates both planning to participate in the student mobility in the winter and summer semesters. The date of additional recruitment process (October /November) will be announced upon the condition that funds were not used previously or there are still available places.
The recruitment process is carried out by faculty committees chaired by the Erasmus+ Faculty Coordinator with the participation of two International Relations Office employees. In the process of assessing the candidate and qualifications for the student mobility the following are taken into account:
- Adequate language proficiency (English or other language in which classes will be conducted at a partner university)
- language certificate (if applicable)
- average grade from the entire course of study (confirmed by Student Service Center - COS employee in the application form)
- previous participation in the LLP Erasmus or Erasmus + programme, including the length of the student mobility, as well as the number of ECTS credits planned to be obtained and obtained during the mobility
- involvement in university matters (membership in student organizations, science clubs, supporting foreign student staying at the Opole University of Technology – MENTOR OUTech, etc.
The International Relations Office is obliged to prepare the list of students qualified for the student mobility, the reserve list and the list of unqualified students on the basis of conducted interviews.
The maximum number of students qualified for the student mobility depends on the amount of funding granted to the university by the National Agency of the Erasmus + Programme and the European Solidarity Corps in a given academic year.
Students from the reserve list can apply for the mobility in the event of student’s resignation. Students who have not qualified for the mobility have the right to appeal in writing against the decision of the faculty recruitment commission to the particular Faculty Dean.
Students qualified for the mobility receive general instructions on how to proceed in order to complete the application procedures at the partner university from the IRO employee. A given student is obliged to independently check the detailed requirements of the university and the applicable deadlines.
The basic document necessary for mobility under Erasmus+ is the Learning Agreement (LA) - a list of subjects taught at the partner university agreed with the faculty coordinator. The student is obliged to complete it in USOSWeb and send it to the Faculty Coordinator for consultation/approval by the above-mentioned system. After the online version of the LA is approved, it is forwarded to the partner university for further approval.
If the partner university is not ready to exchange documents in a "paperless" way, it is allowed to submit a paper version of the LA. The document template is available at the top of the page, section: DOCUMENTS.
One month before the planned departure, qualified students shall submit to the International Relations Office:
- application for Individual Organization of Studies with the Dean’s consent,
- bank Account Form - PLN and EUR (check the top of the page, section: DOCUMENTS),
- a copy of the required insurance (minimum health insurance and accident insurance),
- if you are leaving during the last semester of your studies, obtain the written consent of the Dean of your faculty to extend the session settlement period.
If the study program at the host institution does not include subjects required in the minimum curriculum applicable to a given field of study, the student is obliged to complete these subjects upon return from the mobility. Arrangements for the manner and date of completion of subjects included in the minimum curriculum should be agreed with the Erasmus+ Faculty Coordinator before the student’s departure.
All changes made to the Learning Agreement require confirmation and acceptance of the host university, home university and student. Changes are to be made by completing "During the Mobility" document, so-called "Changes to the Original Learning Agreement" which is an integral part of the Learning Agreement. The student is allowed to prepare changes within the period of one month since his/her arrival at the host university.
The minimum number of ECTS credits that a student should collect during the mobility at the host university is 15 ECTS (per one semester). Substantively, the fact that the student completed the exchange program is settled at the faculty. To complete the semester the student should collect 30 ECTS credits.
The final confirmation of the student's participation in the Programme is the acceptance of his/her candidacy by the partner university, based on completed application procedures, approved Learning Agreement and signing a grant agreement with the International Relations Office of the Opole University of Technology.
If the application is rejected by the partner university, the student has the right to submit an application to another university, within the vacancies at the given faculty and field of study, observing the deadlines for submitting the application at the partner university.
In order to train language competences, an outgoing student can take a language proficiency test.A link to the Online Language Support platform will be sent by a IRO employee. After completing the test, the student will receive access to a free online course in English or another selected language available on the platform.
Students participating in mobility during the winter semester may apply for extending their mobility for the summer semester. Consent to extend of the stay at the host university does not guarantee receiving a grant for the period resulting from the extension. Prolongation may not extend beyond the period of 30 September of a given academic year.
In order to extend the mobility period, the student shall provide the following documents:
- Learning Agreement for the second semester approved by all 3 parties (on-line or paper version, depending if the partner university is prepared for "paperless" exchange of documents),
- (if possible) Transcript of Records for the first semester,
- application for Individual Organization of Studies for second semester (with Dean’s consent)
- insurance for second semester (minimum health insurance and accident insurance),
- information about legalization of stay (if necessary).
The documents mentioned in §23 should be submitted to the International Relations Office no later than 15th December within the given academic year. The decision about co-financing the second semester will be taken after receiving all applications with a request for extension.
It is allowed to prolong the mobility and study abroad without the grant.
The student undertakes to obtain before leaving the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) and insurance (medical costs, accident insurance) for the duration of travel and stay at the host university.
Prior the departure to the host university, the student is obliged to sign a grant agreement in the International Relations Office. Failure to sign the grant agreement in time proposed by the International Relations Office is equivalent with resignation from the right to a receive a grant in a given academic year.
The beneficiary of the Erasmus + Programme is exempted from tuition fees at the host university and stays there in accordance with the rules applicable to students of this particular university.
The grant under the Erasmus + Programme is intended to cover additional costs related with travel and stay at the host institution. The grant awarded to student is lower than the cost of living in the destination country. In connection with the above, the student applying for the student mobility has to take into account the real costs related to the Mobility.
During the Erasmus + mobility the student may not receive another grant financed by the European Union funds.
Payment of national scholarships (social, for academic performance and other) to which the student acquired the right before the departure will be continued during the student's stay at the host university. After returning to the home university, the student has the right to apply for national scholarships.
Students entitled to a social scholarship in the academic year preceding their Erasmus mobility will receive additional funding (determined for a given project by the National Agency for the Erasmus+ Program and the European Solidarity Corps) for each month of their stay abroad.
Persons with a certified degree of disability will receive additional funding (determined for a given project by the National Agency of the Erasmus+ Program and the European Solidarity Corps) for each month of stay abroad. Students with disabilities may apply for additional financial support from the National Agency for the Erasmus+ Program and the European Solidarity Corps.
If the travel conditions are defined as "green travel", students are entitled to receive individual support for the cost of living during the travel - up to a maximum of 4 additional days and a one-off amount of EUR 50.
Green travel should be understood as a travel with an ecological means of transport that meets the following criteria:
- distance from the home university is in the range of 100-3999 km,
- the majority of travel (at least 51% round-trip) are made using clean, (low-emission, sustainable) means of transport.
Means of transport recognized as green travel:
- bus
- train
- carpooling (joint travel of people on the same route, for the same purpose, in the car of one of the co-passengers)
Means of transport not considered as green travel:
- plane
- ship
- boat
- ferry
- car (single person)
- motorbike
Within 30 days from the end of the student mobility, the student is obliged to:
- deliver to the International Relations Office a certificate confirming the length of stay at the host university - Confirmation of Stay,
- deliver to the International Relations Office a list of credits - Transcript of Records (the list of credits is the basis for completing the period of study),
- complete the Erasmus+ Survey (a link to the survey is sent automatically to the e-mail address provided by the beneficiary in the application form),
- deliever the personal report from mobility period (check the top of the page, section: DOCUMENTS).
If the student will not meet the deadline (mentioned above) the International Relations Office will apply for the reimbursement of the grant.
The period of study abroad will be counted on condition that the required number of ECTS credits given in the Learning Agreement were obtained. In the event of failure to meet the above condition, depending on the number of credits obtained, the student receives a conditional registration or repeats the semester at the Opole University of Technology. The decision on recognizing the period of study abroad, as well as designating substitute subjects not included abroad, is undertaken by the Vice- Dean for didactics of the relevant Faculty.
In the event of failure to comply with the terms agreed in the Learning Agreement, the Vice Rector may decide (after consulting the Vice-Dean for didactics of the relevant Faculty and the Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator) to repay part or all of the received grant.
Students qualified for the mobility will be given the opportunity to participate in a free online language course on the Online Language Support (OLS) platform. Linguistic support is available for English or another language of your choice available on the platform (e.g. the language of the country where the mobility will take place).
In cases not covered by these regulations, the final decisions are made by the Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator.