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International Relations Office

Dear students!

On Friday, November 28, the former Ambassador of India in Poland Mr. Chandra Mohan Bhandari will give a lecture on the subject of yoga and ayurveda. The lecture will be held in English.

Location: Auditorium of the Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy (76 Prószkowska Street)

Time: 10:00 am


Mr. Bhandari received his Master's Degree in Physics from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (1970) and Professional Forestry Degree from Forest Research Institute and Colleges, Dehradun (1972-74). He also has a Master's Degree from the National Defence College, New Delhi (1991). He has been a member of India's Foreign Service since 1974 and served in various capacities in Bangkok, Oslo, Lagos, Canberra, Phnom Penh and Toronto.

He intensively studied the timeless wisdom of Vedic scriptures and now dedicates himself to promoting peace, harmony and friendship through the scientific techniques of yoga and ayurveda.

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