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International Relations Office

It’s high time and our pleasure to officially invite you to the 9th Erasmus Partnership Conference – EPiC 2016that will be held on 7-10 June 2016.

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The conference is an integrated part of International Academic Week 2016, which includes: 

  • EPiC’16  (7-10 June 2016)
  • International Scientific Conference on MANAGEMENT of REGIONAL & LOCAL DEVELOPMENT  (8-10 June 2016)

Both conferences will be linked and have joint events including IAW’16 Gala Dinner on Wednesday, 8th June.

EPiC’16 is dedicated to both teaching (STA) and administrative staff (STT). Together we will discuss academic cooperation, participate in interesting workshops, lectures and presentations and gain new valuable acquaintances. Thanks to EU and our efficient Erasmus+ management, the conference participation is free of charge.

Attached please find EPiC 2016 Preliminary Program and the Application Form.

Registration deadline for EPiC’16 is opened until 29th April 2016.

Information on accommodation will be sent to you upon the acceptance of your application.

We look forward to welcoming you in Poland, a destination where you will have a chance to relax and enjoy yourself. Join us for a premium academic experience!


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