Polska wersja Русская версия Українська версія

International Relations Office

Electrical Engineering, Automatic Control and Informatics

 22.02.2016 (Monday) at 10:00, building No. 1, room No. 205, II Campus, 76 Prószkowska Street, Opole

Production Egineering and Logistics

  25.02.2016 (Thursday) at 17:15, room No. B-224, 5 Mikołajczyka Street, Opole

Physical Education and Physiotherapy

  24.02.2016 (Wednesday) at 12:00, building No. 9, room No. 234, II Campus, 76 Prószkowska Street, Opole

Civil Engineering

23.02.2016 (Tuesday) at 10:00, room No. K-2, 48 Katowicka Street, Opole 

Economics and Management

  22.02.2016 (Monday) at 12:00, room No. L212, 7 Luboszycka Street, Opole

Mechanical Engineering

 24.02.2016 (Wednesday) at 10:00, room No. B-224, 5 Mikołajczyka Street, Opole

Media społecznościowe Politechniki Opolskiej