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International Relations Office

We would like to invite ‪#‎Erasmus‬+ students to The Opole Contemporary Art Gallery for Henry Stażewski exhibition– the classic of Polish modern art.

After the tour, we would like to offer a look at the panoramic view of the city from the observation deck located in ‪#‎Opole‬ Center for Arts Education ‪#‎ARTPUNKT‬, and for a dessert - a jelly with strawberries;)

Please pick up free tickets in ‪#‎ESN‬ PO office located in Pryzma dormitory (tickets will be avaliable next week).

Exhibition date: 28th April, time 17:00
Venue: The Opole Contemporary Art Gallery, 12 Plac Teatralny

Media społecznościowe Politechniki Opolskiej