Polska wersja Русская версия Українська версія

International Relations Office

MONDAY, 27.02.2017
Time: 11:00
Place: Room A, "Łącznik" Building, 16 Mikołajczyka Street, Opole
Info-Meeting with International Relations Office and Erasmus Students Network (ESN PO) teams. We are going to tell you what need to know about studying at our University.

Meetings with Erasmus Faculty Coordinators

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatic Control and Informatics:
MONDAY, 27.02.2017
Time: after the Info Meeting with IRO Team
Place: Room A, "Łącznik" Building, 16 Mikołajczyka Street, Opole

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering:
TUESDAY, 28.02.2017
Time: 12:00
Place: Room: E-16, 5 Mikołajczyka Street, Opole

Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture:
TUESDAY, 28.02.2017
Time: 11:00
Place: Room: KS-2, 48 Katowicka Street, Opole

Faculty of Economics and Management:

THURSDAY, 02.03.2017

Time: 11:00

Place: Room L-211, 7 Luboszycka Street, Opole

Faculty of Production Engineering and Logistics:

THURSDAY, 02.03.2017

Time: 11:00

Place: Room A-116, 5 Mikołajczyka Street, Opole

Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy:
MONDAY, 27.02.2017
Time: after the Info Meeting with IRO Team
Place: Room A, "Łącznik" Building, 16 Mikołajczyka Street, Opole

Media społecznościowe Politechniki Opolskiej