Polska wersja Русская версия Українська версія

International Relations Office


MONDAY, 02.10.2017

Time: 11:00

Place: Room A, "Łącznik" Building, 16 Mikołajczyka Street, Opole

Info-Meeting with International Relations Office - all you need to know about Opole University of Technology


Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatic Control and Informatics:

MONDAY, 02.10.2017

Time: 13:00/after the Info Meeting with IRO Team

Place: Room A, "Łącznik" Building, 16 Mikołajczyka Street, Opole


Faculty of Mechanical Engineering:

WEDNESDAY, 04.10.2017

Time: 14:00

Place: Room: E-211, 5 Mikołajczyka Street, Opole


Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture:

TUESDAY, 03.10.2017

Time: 11:00

Place: Room: K-2, 48 Katowicka Street, Opole


Faculty of Economics and Management:

WEDNESDAY, 04.10.2017

Time: 11:00

Place: Room L-212, 7 Luboszycka Street, Opole


Faculty of Production Engineering and Logistics:

TUESDAY, 10.10.2017

Time: 10:30

Place: Room 203, 31 Sosnkowskiego Street (Lipsk Building), Opole


Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy:

FRIDAY, 06.10.2017

Time: 12:00

Place: II Campus, Room 302 A, Building No. 9, 76 Prószkowska Street, Opole

Media społecznościowe Politechniki Opolskiej