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International Relations Office

The time has come to invite you to our favorite event of the year!
Join us for an evening of fun and learning! Join us for another International Cooking Day!

cooking day poster

Cooking Day will take place in “STREFA” Student Canteen (“Łącznik” Building) on Wednesday, 29th of November, at 17:00. The event aims to discover traditional dishes and their backgrounds from different regions of the World!

The rules are simple:

  1. Join the Facebook event at: https://www.facebook.com/events/185533022003368/
  2. Create a team of up to 4 students.
  3. Bring the needed ingredients, pots and pans.
  4. Cook together with the others some tasty dishes of your country.
  5. During the event we will organize a cooking contest with special prizes!

Please remember that during the event alcohol is not allowed! The consumption of alcohol, hallucinogenic substances or any other intoxicants is strictly forbidden!

Event organizers:

Erasmus Student Network PO

International Relations Office


Media społecznościowe Politechniki Opolskiej