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International Relations Office

It has been known for a long time that Opole University of Technology is opening up to the world, and from year to year, more students from abroad are studying at the university, so the "Obrazovanie i Kariera 2018" fair organized in Minsk, Belarus has been a great opportunity to present educational offer of our Univeristy among international youth.

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IMG 2071During the event (held between 15 – 17 February) delegates from International Relations Office talked about the benefits of studying at a technical university and the opportunities that Opole University of Technology creates for its students. Belarussian youth were keenly interested in all the fields of study offered by OUTech, including those offered by the youngest faculty - Faculty of Technical Systems Engineering.

IRO delegates mentioned that apart from the basic educational offer, students studying at our university have the opportunity to broaden their interests through memberships in the choir, numerous scientific clubs or in the university orchestra. IMG 2079IRO officers also talked about academic events such as: Job Fair, Science Festival and Students Festival - Piastonalia, as well as Chinese Language Courses opportunities offered by the Confucius Institute and mobilities in frame of the Erasmus+ programme.

We hope that next academic year we will welcome a large group of Belarusian students at our University!

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