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International Relations Office

In the beginning of September (1-6.09.2019) three students from Opole University of Technology participated in the Summer School Programme in Lucerne, Switzerland. The event was led under the topic of: “agile business development in a connected world”. You can find out more about the event from the feedback prepared by one of the students - Akshay from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

Attending the International summer school at Hochschule Luzern was a great opportunity to learn and meet students from different nationalities and universities. On the 1st of September we got to meet all the students and mentors, we would be spending time with during the school in the ”Introduction Evening” .We started by introducing each other and the evening ended with us making new friends from different paths of lives. The school was attended by 35 students from different countries like Denmark, Ireland, England, Scotland, Spain, France, Poland and some students from different universities in Switzerland with also the company of some local students from Luzern. On Monday ,the first day of school, we started with introduction and getting divided into groups (we would be in the same group doing all the activities through the whole week). To get to know the Design Lab and our groups, we started with an ice-breaker “Drop the Egg “- we had to come up with a prototype, which would protect the Egg if thrown from 10 meters above the ground. After that we got introduce to the task, we would be working on for the week. We were introduce to “The Franke” who produces Coffee machines and we were provided with our own tasks from the representative of the Company . We had a chance to learn about the company and some insightful information on how it operates. Thanks to that we could understand our tasks and do ideation for two days while we also went to the city to be able to see the Coffee machines and the experiences of the Consumers first hand. On the other days of our school, we worked on our ideas and made a prototype under the constant feedback of the students and Mentors. It was a great opportunity to learn to how to face problems, work in groups, do pitches, do ideation and presentations. The work and prototypes created by groups were presented on the last day, when also we could get the feedbacks from the Representative of Franke and the mentors. The local students attending the school with us organized the farewell event which included playing games, eating, drinking and dancing. It was a very hectic, stressful and full of fun, a great experience overall. If given the chance again, I would like to do it again. I would like to thank International Relations office and Hochschule Luzern for this opportunity and Experience.

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