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International Relations Office

Our favourite event of the year is coming! Take part in the International Cooking Day!

International Relations Office is teaming up with Confucius Institute, Mentor PO, ŻUBR students association and EMITER Radio to organize the most delicious event ever!

Date: 21.11.2019

Time: 17:30

Place: STREFA Canteen - “Łącznik” Building (16 Mikołajczyka Street).

The event aims to discover traditional dishes and their backgrounds from different regions of the world. So bring needed food products, pots and pans and cook something tasty for you and your friends! Cooking contest (with nice prizes) will be organized during the event!

Internationa Cooking Day 2019

Please remember that during the event alcohol is not allowed! The consumption of alcohol, hallucinogenic substances or any other intoxicants is strictly forbidden!

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