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International Relations Office

One of our Erasmus+ Students is taking part in a volunteering action to help people in Gambia, Africa. The main goal of the action is raising funds to purchase: first aid kits for paramedics, CPR phantom set with AED defibrillator + child phantom, water rescue equipment, AED defibrillator + AED cabinet with audible alarm. The other goal is to collect clothes for children and adults.
There are many ways to help:
  1. Purchase of Chinese cookies prepared by action volunteers. 
  2. Participation in online language courses. 
  3. Money donation via: https://zrzutka.pl/stgjzh
  4. Donating clothes which you do not need anymore.
All action poster can be found below:
Gambia ANG ciastka
Gambia ANG język
Gambia ANG ubrania
Media społecznościowe Politechniki Opolskiej