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International Relations Office

Who: Stephanie Moore, Assistant Professor of Instructional Design & Technology, Curry School of Education and Human Development, University of Virginia

What: Effective Online Learning: Insights from Research, Practice, and Students

  • · Summary of research on online learning
  • · Discussion of characteristics that make for effective online courses
  • · Special emphasis on: types of interaction, feedback, assessment, and synchrony

When: Wednesday June 3 at 19:00

Where: Zoom meeting in English. Registration required


To register please go here: https://forms.gle/mh7G4qiFsjWKGEqx5

Please register by 12:00 on June 2.  Number of participants limited. All registered will receive a link to the webinar by e-mail. If you have questions to the expert, please share them at the registration.

Stephanie Moore is Assistant Professor of Instructional Design & Technology in the Curry School of Education and Human Development at University of Virginia where she teaches instructional design, performance improvement, online learning, and ethics for learning and workplace technology. In 2018, she received the Casteen Teaching Fellowship, named for the former president of the University of Virginia, and accompanying grant from the Institute for Practical Ethics and Public Life to further develop her work on ethics of learning technologies. She is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Computing in Higher Education. She has served as President of the Division for Systemic Change in the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) and has served as President of the AECT Foundation. She has presented at the International Society for Performance Improvement. Recent awards include the AECT Presidential Award for Excellence and Award for Distinguished Service to the Change Division. Across her career, she has worked as helped to build and lead effective online learning solutions that have won multiple awards and recognitions such as the AACTE Innovation of the Year Award and the Leadership in Education award presented by the Southern Piedmont Technology Council. The latest online program for which she led the development is now ranked #3 in its category. She presently consults with clients on a range of projects including online learning, the use of technology for learning, and organizational performance improvement. Her areas of expertise include online and blended learning, educational / learning technologies, instructional planning and development, educational system strategic planning and strategic technology integration, and incorporation of ethics (e.g. societal impact) into the design and planning process.

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