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International Relations Office

Dear students of the Opole University of Technology,

The end of the semester and exam session are ahead of us. The summer exam session starts 16th June and lasts until 5th July 2020.

It will be an enormous challenge for all of us, both teachers and students.

Therefore, please try to approach tasks in this virtual reality with special responsibility, forbearance and mutual understanding.

A request to students:

  1. be independent, reliable and fair during summer exams and writing thesis;
  2. proceed in accordance with the conditions of exams that have been agreed with the teachers of individual courses;
  3. comply with the deadlines set by the lecturers;
  4. be patient while awaiting the exam results, bearing in mind the parental duties of teachers during a pandemic;

Please cooperate so we can complete this unusual and first-ever online semester to go on a well-deserved vacation!

We wish everyone good luck in the upcoming exam period!

Tomasz Boczar

Vice-Rector for student and organizational Affairs

Anida Stanik-Besler

Vice-Rector for Didactics

Bartosz Polok

President of the Student Council

Media społecznościowe Politechniki Opolskiej